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2024-03-16 11:37
- >>2584eb05
Qn: a general term meaning any life unit. S Qn, Big Qn or Player, Lambda ( l) Qn, Phi (F) Qn. An awareness of awareness unit.
Big Qn or "Player": the preclear or Clear you are auditing or the Qn called "me" who has a case. Can be in or out of a body. Can be found sticking on a case at OT 3 or in a Plug because of being implanted or betrayed. Can be suppressed into believing he is a "Body" or a "Body Qn" or a "Monitor" or "Operator" or "Implanter." All "Players" were originally Static Qns.
Lambda (l) Qn: a "lambda" or "life form" Qn. One who has a function of caring for or operating life forms. Can be a "genetic-entity," a "demon circuit" or a body operator for animals, plants, fish, birds, or humans. May be part of a team of such Qns who were hatted to do this in early MEST Universe track prior to Inc I or from E/U Games or even earlier GUMs. All true l Qns basically are MOCOs. However, you may find a Player Qn occasionally implanted or suppressed into the "belief" he is a l Qn. Also called loosely "Body Qns." Many of these were captured from E/U games and used on "Plugs" after being made to believe they were "solid." l Qns like to copy or hold "pictures" for Big Qns or make them as a result of his intention. l Qns align with the 5th Dynamic. (Ref: Dianetic Axioms).
Phi (F) Qn or (F) Qn: "Phi Qns" or MEST Qns. One who has a function of being a particle of matter or energy or space in a creation. Can be of a gradient of sizes with the bigger ones responsible for the smaller ones. Can be identified as space, potential energy or motion, energy particle, sub-atomic particles, atomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, crystals, etc. Are used to make MEST and pictures for Players so they won't disappear when the Player looks at them. In U3 they are all mixed up from E/U game "dumpings" by all Players. These U3 F Qns have been organized by their "Board of Directors" and do not cooperate with any Big Qns normally, because of their ARCB LD (ARC break of long duration) on being dumped. All F Qns originally were MOCOs. F Qns align with the 6th Dynamic. (Ref. Dianetic Axioms) (pronounced "Fee" on Tapes)
MOCO: means "Moment Of Creation Of Viewpoint." A MOCO is a Created Qn by one of the Big Q ns or Static Qns for use in the games. They, therefore, do not have any time track earlier than their moment of Creation. That is the basic on their "Case." (They also do not have a large "case" like a Player, who has been in the Games since the beginning.) Can be a l Qn or F Qn or a special type created by a Player and used for Admiration (plus or minus) or Perception (plus or minus) or for creating and holding or operating a Creation for the Player (called a VIA MOCO). (The Player used this via so the Creation wouldn't disappear and there would be someone to care for it at his direction.) Probably the Board of Directors of the F Qns were originally VIA MOCOs who got dumped with their F Qn Creations into the MEST U.
Another class of MOCO is called a "Clone." This is a MOCO who was created with more ability and self-determinism and could serve as a "substitute" or "missionaire" for the Player. They usually want to debrief before going free or returning to their moment of creation. They could also have been given the ability to create other MOCOs and also could have gotten implanted while doing their "missions."
All MOCOs were originally created to HELP the Player who created them. When a person's own MOCOs want to return to their Creator they "blow" inward to him. Other Players MOCOs will blow outward. (Also any who choose to go free, or to Static Point to wait, will "blow" outward.)
MULES: A combination of two or more MOCOs (usually Admiration Particles - plus or minus - or Perceptic MOCOs - plus or minus - or Clones), one being the person's own MOCO and the other a friend's or enemy's MOCO. These can be combined by implanting into a MOCO "Sandwich" - with a person's own, a friend's, and the implanter's or Xenu's. One has to run the incident of the "Sandwich" being made (like a Clustering Incident or Mutual Incident) before each separate MOCO can be freed.
Clone: A MOCO who was made with more ability and free will - almost, or partly, a copy of the Player, to do a "mission" for him or to "fool the enemy" or to "play a game." See also, more on these under "MOCO" definitions.
Prime MOCOs: These are the MOCOs a Player created to prepare for and start the Games. There are 4 of them. One is the basis of the "Analytical" Mind. Another is the Basis for the "Security" Mind (which became the "Reactive" Mind), and another is the Basis for the "Social" Mind. The 4th one is the MOCO which was used to Create the Playing Field and Ring Archives Games as an agreement with all other Players. The interesting thing about the Prime MOCOs is that they CAN NOT BE RUN OUT until the Player is finished the Games (After OT 16). He created these Prime MOCOs with the Super Static postulate to assist him throughout the games, so at any point before that, he is simply not powerful enough to undo or as-is that postulate. If encountered in a session on OT levels, they should be thanked for what they did in the session and told to continue HELPING till the Player is finished the Games.
PLUG: An organized part of the case on Excalibur. It consists of several "terminals" (each of which may be very complex, and consist of many Qns, with various functions as a unit or "thing") having a function to perform on a case connected by holding lines. Holding means "suppression carried out through time" or "constant suppression." There may be several plugs on one "stack" or a person's case because they are related by thought. The "stack" wording is how the Pre-OT "thinks" of the area that is troubling him, it is not a "message" or "words" or "intention" coming from a plug or plugs.
STACK: A built-up area of charge on a person's Excalibur case which makes him act or "think" in an irrational non-survival, non-expanding way or monitors him in a direction of shrinking his KRC and ARC (his Power and Understanding) and drives him downscale as a Qn. It can collapse him down to only operating on 1 or 2 dynamics or lead him into other practices that will trap him from ever going OT. It is OTHER-DETERMINED CHARGE in a certain area. If a person has "accepted" or "agreed" to it, he may believe it's his own thoughts!
GAME of GODs: A game played at the beginning of GUM 0 to elect a "GOD" who would "take care of" everyone's dumped creations from Earlier Universe Games. These "dumps" became the MEST Universe. The Player Qns were supposed to learn, by doing this, to take responsibility for their own Creations and at some point enter the MEST Universe and as-is their own part of it to regain their lost ability to as-is. This was interfered with by the Implant known as Incident I.
GUM: a Games Universe Model. It can have one or many games and one or many universes in it. But it is covered by an overall purpose or goal for the Qns playing through or in it - whether they remember it or not. This GUM is Games Universe Model 0 (Zero), "Emergency," as in the MEST Universe (one of the universes in this GUM). There are also "Earlier Universe Games" in it. "Time" does not exist before this GUM. So to "date" beyond the MEST Universe "Time" track one uses "Games Universe Models" as a Cycle of Action which all thetans are familiar with.
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